One day

by nrlshzna

One day, I’m going to propose to you. It may be a big or just a small, intimate proposal. I’m not sure yet. But I know damn sure that I will cry. I’ve thought about proposing you many times a day. Especially on days that I feel so much joy. I’ve seen it all in my head, how I’m ugly crying and confessing how crazy in love I am with you and you allowing me to slip that ring in your finger.

One day, I will give you an amazing wedding with our close friends, a beautiful dress in an amazing location. One day, I will give you an amazing life because you deserve every bit of it. I will give you all this ‘one days’. They will be my gift to you for coming into my life. You have no idea how much happiness and laughter you bring into my life.

I realize that I’m taking a long time to do all the things that I say. But please be patient with me baby. I know I can do it and make you happy.